Fees are due on the FIRST day of each month for that month. Postdated cheques are required to be left upon registration to avoid late penalty fees. The Centre charges a late penalty fee of $20 and 24% interest per year. There is a $20 NSF fee for each cheque returned.

Notices of late payment will go out on the 5th day of each month.

Childcare fees are required to be paid in full in order to maintain a space for your child. There is no holding fee for your time away from the center for holidays, vacations or extended leaves of absence. Part time families are required to pay for their designated days regardless if they have been sick or away. Please do not ask us to make an exception. The fees include art and music classes.

Any extra activities such as field trips are not included in the regular monthly childcare fees; parents will be required to pay the associated fees in addition to the monthly fee.

Subsidies are available from the Provincial Social Services to those parents who qualify. Subsidy Application Forms and Information Sheets can be obtained by visiting the Government of Alberta, Child and Youth Care Services website at www.child.alberta.ca. To be considered for a full time space, subsidized families must have their children in the centre for a minimum of 100 hours per month.

Termination notice will be given to a parent who is behind in payment of their fees.

